Saturday, 7 May 2011

Ao no Exorcist Episode 3

When you ask me about this episode, all I'd probably say is... "Why is there a Pink Limo?!". Well, basically, compared to the manga, they actually show the school grounds and it's a whole lot more colourful.

I'll continue watching now!

Jo-chan signing off!

Friday, 6 May 2011

APA Tutorial, 6th May 2010

Today we had another fun session at the Black Box, aka. T642 in Singapore Poly.

As usual, we started off with a fun game, which was the "Do you like your neighbours" game, same as the one we played during choir camp.

Later on, all twenty of us have to stand on six chairs (it was 11, then 8) without falling off. We were literally hugging each other as if our lives depended on it.

Tis the weekend... NOT!

Current Location: Home
Weather: Sunny with a light breeze

Today, the girls have no school. Pa is off. I could've sworn it was Saturday when I woke up this morning. Then I remembered... My lessons start at noon.

Well I'll be damned.

Jo-chan is signing off!

Thursday, 5 May 2011


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! dd-ic IS FINALLY GOING PUBLIC (yes, you guys can see it now)

I hope to update everyday (if I can) so sayonara for now!



Current location: SP T19 (CASS)
Weather: Sunny (晴れです。)

I feel soooooooooooooo tired... I just want to sleep. Too bad I still got two tutorials and the Primers party to attend.

Just my luck... I hope I still got energy for school tomorrow.


The wonderful Jo-chan signing off~~~

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Oh my.

I just realised that I've been ignoring dd-ic (dreamdream-icecream AKA this blog) for the past four days. I'm soooooowwy.... (bows repeatedly).

I'll still try my beet to keep this going. Until next time!

Jo-chan signing out...