Thursday, 19 May 2011


Just to let you guys know, there will not be any posts from tomorrow, the 20th to Sunday, the 22nd, because I'll be in camp.

Till' then, my friends!

Tatta Latta-ta~!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

I'm tired...

I went to Pulau Tekong for a learning journey.... and I'm worn out. I think I'll post more tomorrow instead...

Buona Notte... Tatta Latta-ta~

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Tatta Latta

Personally, I wonder if any of you are curious where I came up with the 'Tatta Latta-ta' thingy...


I've been watching clips from Rebocon 4 (both Red and Blue) and you really have to admit: You gotta love these seiyuu events.

Where else do you see seiyuus sing character songs that are not their own?

I'll post the clips when I have time. Maybe I'll do one now.

Tatta Latta-ta~! (maybe I should end with this from now on. Won't hurt to change my ending phrase)

本当にありがとう。(Honestly, I thank you)

Moi moi~! Jo-chan desu~

I know there's been a lack of juicy, delectable stuf here (I sincerely apologise for that) and to FineAnonymousGentlemen (I have a good idea who you are, but I don't want to confirm it, coz I'm lazy), thanks for your advice.

Lately, I've been busy with my research paper for APA (there's another one coming up soon for IAD) and hence, I've no time. Well, maybe I do but I've been just plain lazy (laughs).

Yeah, so, thanks to everyone who's been reading this blog regular. I'll try to have more posts if I have the time for it. Until then, Tatta Latta-ta!

Jo-chan signing out dechu!

Monday, 16 May 2011


I just realised that I didn't post for 5 days... Oh dear me.

I'll do another one later... I guess.